Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Things are getting a bit iffy around here

On Friday, June 13th, I debuted a mascot for my ezine If - E - Zine: The Free Online Magazine of Thrilling Speculative Fiction!

His name is Iffy the IFreet, the Intergalactic Gin-Soaked Gypsy.

I've been wanting to create a mascot for the ezine for quite some time, something in the vein of The Crypt-Keeper from the TV series Tales from the Crypt and originally from the EC horror comics of the same name published in the 1940s and '50s. Every EC comic had a host or mascot of some sort and being that I claim EC as a source of inspiration for If - E - Zine, it seemed only natural that I should have a mascot or host, as well.

I'll have a more thorough write-up about Iffy in the August issue of If - E - Zine, which will be the fifth anniversary issue. I hope you'll click on over to my site and check out all the issues.

And, as always, enjoy!

For further Iffy enjoyment, you can add If - E - Zine as a friend on MySpace from the official If - E - Zine MySpace Profile.

And add the ezine as a friend on FaceBook on the official If - E - Zine FaceBook Profile.

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